How to create a page on facebook

When Facebook first began, it was primarily limited to personal user profiles for chatting, photo sharing and other social networking activities. Since its inception, Facebook has grown into a market for business networking as well. Catering to this segment of its user base, Facebook provides users with the ability to create "pages." A Facebook page can promote anything from a real-world business to an activity. Users can "Like" a page to follow its activity and share it with friends. A Facebook "Page" behaves much like a regular profile once you create the initial page.

1.Log in to your Facebook account. You can only create a page if you are already a registered Facebook user.

2.Visit "" after logging in. From this portion of the Facebook website, you can view existing pages and this is where you create your own page.

3.Click the "Create Page" button, located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

4.Click on the appropriate page type from the options provided onscreen. There are six main types of pages: places, institutions, products, public figures, entertainment and causes.

5.Click on the "Category" drop-down box to select a category for your page.

6.Enter the page's name in the "Name" box.

7.Click the "I agree to Facebook Terms and Conditions" check box.

8.Click "Get Started." Your page is now officially created and you are automatically logged in as the page's administrator. People can find your page by searching on Facebook and they can "Like" the new page from their profiles. The initial page is blank, but you can upload photos, post comments and interact using the same menus that you normally use for your Facebook account.

Facebook emoticons codes

Nearly everyone has an account with Facebook, we like talking on Facebook, sharing images and funny things with friends on Facebook. Like we talking on MSN, yahoo talk, AIM and other chats, we can also use custom and rich emoticons on Facebook, here is a total list of Facebook Emoticons Codes you can use on Facebook. Just check this list when you talk, very easy to use. Remember to share the list with your friends :)