Jcart is simple shopping cart plugin for Wordpress and very easy use it but some bug when use this plugin.To day I want show you a solution for it.

File jcart-javascript.php could’t load correct.

- Open file jcart-defaults.php
- Find line 11
- Replace “wp-blog-header.php” to “wp-load.php”
The second error:
Fatal error</b>: Cannot use object of type __PHP_Incomplete_Class as array in ‘jcart-javascript.php’.
- Open file jcart-defaults.php
- Replace all variable $jcart with another variable name ( Ex: $jcart_cfg )
- Open file jcart-javascript.php replace all variable $jcart with variable name on step 2 ( Ex: $jcart_cfg )
- Similar with jcart-relay.php file.
- Open jcart-admin.php file find function wp_jcart and replace all variable $jcart with variable name on step 2.
Now you can use Jcart for your projects.Nice work!.
Wordpress tips