4 Steps to how do you make a page on facebook

People are social by nature and that’s why they just have to find a place where they can interact with others and spend their time. And if they can’t leave their place because they’re stuck (because of their job or school), they’ll find an online place. Facebook is exactly that place where they meet and discuss stuff. And you want this to benefit your business: some way in which they can be attracted towards your page and start commenting there. Here is how to make a like page on Facebook (some helpful steps by Facebook Fan Marketing):

Step 1: Sign in to Facebook
Sign into Facebook using your personal account and follow the steps to create a fan page. To make a good fan page, you’ve got to put it into the right category. For example, if you are making a page for your favorite singer, you will select the category ‘Artist, Band, or Public Figure’. Enter the name of page, confirm that you have the authority to create this page and click on ‘Create page’.

Step 2: Design your Facebook business page

Now that you have made your Facebook page, you need to make it attractive by adding photos and quality content. Add a
profile picture to your page that speaks about your business. Make sure you provide all relevant information about your fan page in a few words. Since your users will not want to read a complete essay of information about you, make sure you keep it short. You can even add apps to make your page more attractive and dynamic. But the most important thing is to change the status of your page regularly.

Step 3: Publish the page
One thing about Facebook pages is that they will not be published as soon as you make them. This will give you a chance to make changes in them and then publish them only when you are satisfied with the tweaking. You can make further changes in the published pages as well, but it is best to keep it unpublished when you are just adding information and profile images. A tip about making your page more attractive: make sure your profile image and timeline cover relate to each other. The layout of the new Facebook pages is such that it gives a lot of room for experimentation. So try out a few arrangements. If your company has a brand mascot, make sure you include it in your timeline cover.
search for friends
Step 4: Keep them coming back
Once you create a page, your fans will connect to it depending upon the popularity of your company and the content you are posting on Facebook page. When you see a page that has a lot of fans, there are basically two reasons behind it: Either the company is very famous and has a number of customers in the real world (for example: Coca Cola, Prada, Apple etc). If a big company makes their page, they don’t have to try hard. People will link to them automatically. And the other reason for people to like a fan page is when the fan page provides useful content. So if you don’t own a multi-billion dollar venture that has millions of fans worldwide, your best shot to fame is to provide high quality content. And if you want a page that is an instant hit, you might want to buy Facebook likes.
Some other ways to make them keep coming back is by providing attractive deals and coupons. That’s what Outback Steakhouse does. They keep posting coupons for their restaurant every now and then. and they have more than 2 million followers.

Help how to view private facebook pictures

Recently i need to check some pictures which was private. I tried lots of tricks and genuine methods which was posted on Facebook. Here i am providing those methods How to view Private Facebook Photos.


How to view Private Facebook Pictures
First of all i want to clear that we follow Facebook privacy and terms guideline and not recommend any third party tools for how to see private Facebook pictures. Mainly two tricks i will discus here. Those two tricks worked for me in the past. As Facebook constantly updating their features and interface so there is no guarantee that this tricks will work in the feature but right now these are working. If there is any issue, report in the comment area. See below how to view private Facebook pictures without downloading tools.
1st Method How to see Private Facebook pictures
1. Log in to your Facebook account.
2. Open profile page of the user whose pictures you want to see.
3. Type below code in the address bar.
“javascript:(function(){CSS.removeClass(document.body,%20′profile_two_columns’); tab_controller.changePage(“photos”);})().”
4. Hit Enter button. That’s it.

2nd Method
1. After log in to your Facebook account, search the user whose private pictures you want to see.
2. Now copy that user’s user id.
3. Paste user id in the following URL when its needed.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1234567&id=[User ID]&op=1&view=all&subj=[User ID]
4. Hit Enter and done.
His or her page with pictures will be open in very next page load.
Remember: Again i want to say that Facebook changes its user interface and features and design at regular interval so it may be possible that in future these tricks may not work. Till then enjoy these tricks to see private Facebook pictures.

Update How to view Private Facebook Profile Photos Album:
Step 1: Locate the Facebook profile of the person who you want to view photos of.
Step 2: Click on Report/Block. A popup menu will appear, just select Inappropriate Profile photo. Then press continue
Step 3: Select Nudity or pornography and press continue.
Step 4: Check Report to Facebook and press continue.
Step 5: Select Help us take action by selecting additional photos to include with your report and press Okay.

How to View Private Facebook Pictures 2013 - Update


Learn how to View Private Facebook Pictures, Photos and Profiles with 2013 best tips, tricks and tools. We are living in a complex cyber social world, with increasing privacy and security concerns. Plenty of Facebook users run into situation where they needs to View Private Facebook Photos of someone who is not added into their contacts. And sometimes it carries a justifiable reason behind Facebook user's consent to view Private Facebook Profile, other than negative intentions. Someone might be checking on a vindictive ex who is ganging up against. Maybe some private investigator needs to View Private Facebook Profile of a potential suspect to get a clue to a case. It could some worried parents trying to make sure their thirteen year kid is having right people around.

Well, with 'How to View Private Facebook Profile with being friend?' remains one of the most asked question last year, here under we bring a comprehensive tutorial for it.

But before we move towards the actual tricks on viewing Private Facebook Photos, we would like to please go through our disclaimer in the following:

It is highly advised to respect Facebook Terms of Services and its users online Privacy Rights, in your own interest. Any serious violation of Facebook terms of use may result in your Facebook account to be banned temporarily or permanently, for which itechwhiz.com bear no responsibility what so ever.

View Private Facebook Pictures/Photos/Profiles 2013
Since Facebook is very vigilant of security and plugs any security whole resiliently. The best available tricks to View Private Facebook Pictures might go useless as soon as it has been identified. Facebook also keeps changing its user interface, usability features and layout design at regular interval, rendering most of 'How to View Private Facebook Photos' tutorials irrelevant or out dated.

Having said that let move forward towards some of the best tricks on how to View Private Facebook Pictures/Photos/Profiles in 2013 so far:

View Private Facebook Pictures with JavaScript Hack
  1. Please log into your Facebook account.
  2. Open up the use profile whose pictures you want to see.
  3. Copy and Paste the following code in your browser address bar:
  4. javascript:(function(){CSS.removeClass(document.body,%20'profile_two_columns’); tab_controller.changePage(“photos”);})().
  5. Press Enter button and bingo!
  6. View Private Facebook Photos
  7. Please log into your Facebook account.
  8. Goto Facebook user profile whose private Photos needs to viewed.
  9. Copy the Facebook User-ID from the URL as highlighted in the following examples:https://www.facebook.com/lindatran0109
  10. Open the Windows Notepad and Paste there obtained User-ID in it.
  11. Now Copy and Paste the following URL in Notepad on the next line:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1234567&id=User-ID&op=1&view=all&subj=User-ID
  12. Replace the User-ID in the string on both place with the one you obtained.
  13. Paste the final URL string in your browser address bar and hit Enter.
  14. Facebook Private Photos will be open in the very next page load.
How to View Private Facebook Profiles with Social Engineering
Social Engineering is a psychology technique, where one tends to make someone comply to ones objectives. You proke the person start talking to you and in turn allow you to access their profile. This can be one tips on how to view private Facebook profiles without being a friend. In this technique, all you need to do is just send a simple message. You see, when you open a person’s private profile, you can see their image and on the opposite side you can see three options:
Add as Friend
Send a Message
View Friends

The second options is what we may use to be able to view private Facebook profiles with social engineering. Send the person a message: "Hi, I am John. I think we had met at Cafe D'Rock last week. If yes, please message me back’. If by chance, the person does reply, politely or rudely whatever, you will be able to access their limited private profile :-)

View Private Facebook Profiles with Developer API
Back in June 2012, Oliver Yeh, an MIT graduate has developed a sensational app, Stalkbook that allows one to see personal information of Facebook user that's not a friend.

The Facebook app collects user data as a third party developer app via the Facebook API. The Stalkbook App could show information of a stranger's Facebook Profile even if its private.

View Private Facebook Photos 2013 using Tools
As we discussed due to Facebook security, accessibility and usability changes sometimes these tricks not work properly. There are third party tools to View Private Facebook Pictures/Photos/Profiles in 2013. But most of them are malicious programs that do not work the way they claim and instead are loaded with other deceitful instruction that can harm not only your Facebook account but your computer.

Therefore, we do not recommend the use of any third party tool to view the private Facebook pictures.

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Common facebook login problems

Facebook is currently most popular social networking website on the Internet. Facebook Statistics shows that there are more than 500 million active users.

Types of Facebook Login Problems

There are several reasons why you might have a problem logging into Facebook. Some of the most common problems are:

Forgotten Email address or Password
To Login your Facebook account you must remember your email address and password. It is impossible to login into the system without email address or password so if you have forgotten your email address or password then use Facebook Help pages.

Wrong Information Entered

Wrong email address or password will result in Facebook login problems and will cause login failure. Spelling mistake or typing error mean that the system fails to recognize you so retype your information exactly. Facebook Login information is case sensitive so check that the capital letter lock key “Caps Lock” on the keyword is not locked on.

Facebook Login Page not Refreshing

Most of the common problem is that the Facebook Login page doesn’t load or refresh. This could be down to cookies not being activated on your computer.

Facebook Email Address Not Valid

Facebook doesn’t allow generic email accounts like address starting from info@. Make sure you are using an allowable email address. Facebook encouraged you to use your personal email address.

If none of them are working then simply use the Facebook Help Center. Facebook have a customer service section who can help further and get in touch with the Facebook team.

Important Facebook Login Tips
  1. Do not use the link to login your Facebook Account, always enter the URL directly in your web browser.
  2. Always check the URL in address bar before entering your login information.
  3. Select a secure password with at least eight digits and a number.
  4. Do not share your username or password with anyone.
  5. Change your password the second you suspect the account could be compromised.

Link Building

How to make your own website for kids for free

Children born within the past decade have had the internet in their homes since birth. It’s pretty natural for them to want a website of their own!

If you’re not sure how to put a site together, you can learn together! Free website options mean that you can dabble to your heart’s content, and it’s an educational experience for both of you.

Some topics for make your own website for kids for free:

Kids can create a  site for their soccer team, netball team or dance group.  All the team members can look at and share photos of games or events. Be sure to check with the coach or teacher before starting a website, and make the site private.
If your child has a hobby, why not encourage them to build a site around it? They can post photos of their creations, achievements and information about their hobby.
For a special project, you can help them create a family tree website– all the family, no matter where they are in the world, can visit the site and even add their own photos and stories.  You can find information about free family websites here.
For a school project, perhaps the teacher will allow your child to create their work online.  A school project might even be to make a website!

As with any website for kids or made by kids, safety is very important. Take a look through cybersmart.gov.au to ensure your children enjoy their online experience safely.

A blog might be a good place to start – your child can blog about their pet or hobby. (No personal or identifying information should be given in regard to a younger child. An adult should monitor the blog.)

You can make your own website for kids free at WordPress (http://wordpress.com) or Blogger (http://www.blogger.com)

Or, you can use your own hosting and install a WordPress blog at http://wordpress.org

You don’t need to run a WordPress blog like a blog.  Your child can make a website that looks like any other website on online. For example, if a girl is interested in games for girls, she could make a WordPress site about girls games online. (The Game Girl website in the linked example was made with a self-hosted WordPress site.)

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Facebook search for people without logging in

There are many reasons why someone would like to search Facebook without logging in or without having a login ID. If you want to search Facebook without creating an account it is easy, although there are not too many search parameters for your to search by. So if you do not want to login but search for friends and people this is what you need to do.

You would need to go to http://www.facebook.com/srch.php
The page looks like this, keep in mind that this is a very limited search but if you're searching for someone this is sufficient.

 The reason for this limited search is because Facebook would like you to join and not be an outsider. Once you find the person you are looking for you can then send the person a message or add them as a friend, you would need to first create a Facebook account if you do not already have one. You cannot search groups and pages through this search. If you want to do that you can always use Google.

For a more detailed search there is also http://www.facebook.com/find-friends helps you search Facebook without joining. If you look at the image below you see the options to search involve searching for users who are already a part of your email contact list. So to search you would need to provide your email ID and password to search. Works with all popular email services like Gmail Hotmail and Yahoomail. You can also search for people you IM and you can import contacts from AOL instant messaging, ICQ Chat, Windows Live Messenger and Skype. You can also browse people by alphabetic order by last name and also browse through pages.

Once you start to search by browsing through names or pages you get further options, you are taken to a page that let's you browse for people, pages, groups and applications. The page looks like this.

So this is how you can search Facebook with logging in or joining. This way you can browse through Facebook and search for people, pages and groups and if you want to this anonymously it is fine cause using these options does not let people know you're there and searching.

make your own blog for free for kids
make a website for kids for free 

How to create a page on facebook

When Facebook first began, it was primarily limited to personal user profiles for chatting, photo sharing and other social networking activities. Since its inception, Facebook has grown into a market for business networking as well. Catering to this segment of its user base, Facebook provides users with the ability to create "pages." A Facebook page can promote anything from a real-world business to an activity. Users can "Like" a page to follow its activity and share it with friends. A Facebook "Page" behaves much like a regular profile once you create the initial page.

1.Log in to your Facebook account. You can only create a page if you are already a registered Facebook user.

2.Visit "Facebook.com/pages" after logging in. From this portion of the Facebook website, you can view existing pages and this is where you create your own page.

3.Click the "Create Page" button, located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

4.Click on the appropriate page type from the options provided onscreen. There are six main types of pages: places, institutions, products, public figures, entertainment and causes.

5.Click on the "Category" drop-down box to select a category for your page.

6.Enter the page's name in the "Name" box.

7.Click the "I agree to Facebook Terms and Conditions" check box.

8.Click "Get Started." Your page is now officially created and you are automatically logged in as the page's administrator. People can find your page by searching on Facebook and they can "Like" the new page from their profiles. The initial page is blank, but you can upload photos, post comments and interact using the same menus that you normally use for your Facebook account.

Facebook emoticons codes

Nearly everyone has an account with Facebook, we like talking on Facebook, sharing images and funny things with friends on Facebook. Like we talking on MSN, yahoo talk, AIM and other chats, we can also use custom and rich emoticons on Facebook, here is a total list of Facebook Emoticons Codes you can use on Facebook. Just check this list when you talk, very easy to use. Remember to share the list with your friends :)

How to make google my homepage

Over the last couple of days I've come across this question many times on different forums and answer sites and hence I decided to make a mini tutorial about how to make Google your homepage. I will first briefly talk about why it is good to have Google as the homepage and then I'll continue with how to set it as the homepage in your browser.

Why Do I Have Google as My Homepage

I personally have Google as my homepage in all the browsers I am using. This is mainly due to the fact that I make a lot of web research and use Google a lot of times in a day. Another reason is that Google is by far the best search engine at this time. It has a lot of features like web search, image search, video search, voice search, maps and all other fantastic things. So, if you do web research frequently, it will be a good idea to make Google your homepage. Also, if you use your Google Account heavily, having Google as your homepage will save you a lot of time.

How to Make Google My Homepage

Now that you know the benefits of having Google as your homepage, let me show you how you can make it your homepage in three browsers: Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Make Google My Homepage in Chrome

Open Google Chrome.

2. Click the Customize and control Google Chrome button to the right side of the address bar and select Options.

3. On the Basics tab of the Options panel, you will see the Home Page section. Select Open This Page option and enter Google's URL, http://www.google.com/ into the address field.

This is how you make Google your homepage in Google Chrome.

Make Google My Homepage in Firefox

1. Open Firefox.

2. Go to the Firefox Menu and select Options.

3. On the General tab of the Options window, you will see a startup section where you can make Google the homepage and set what page to show when Firefox starts.

This is how you make Google your homepage in Firefox.

Make Google My Homepage in Safari

1. Open Safari.

2. Click the Display a Menu of General Safari Settings button to the right of the address bar and select Preferences.

3. On the General tab of the Settings window, find the line which says Home Page and enter Google's URL.

This is how you make Google your homepage in Safari.

Top blog sites to create free blogs

It’s a great idea to create a blog. Maybe you want to write something to share your knowledge, your discovery or just for fun. The first thing about blogging is to choose a website to create a blog and then host it. The following 10 blog websites are the most popular ones among millions of active bloggers.

1. Blogger

Blogger is one of the most popular blog websites and now it is owned by Google. Blogger is a great starting site to get to know blogging and its user dashboard is very user friendly.

2. WordPress

WordPress is another major blog website besides blogger. With its own blogging platform WordPress, you can easily choose your favorite theme and blog layout.

3. Livejournal

Livejournal is not only a great blogging website but also a social networking website where you can search people by interests and school and participate in community discussions.

4. Blog.com

Blog.com offers free blog hosting with unlimited bandwidth for free members, more benefits for paid members.

5. Tumblr

Tumblr is a micro-blogging website where users can post text, images, videos, and more to their tumblelog.

6. Blogsome

Another blog website offering free web hosting for blogs. Blogsome is powered by wordpress.

7. Open Diary

Offers unlimited storage and posts, low cost subscription rates for advanced features.

8. Blogetery

Blogetery is a blog website that offers you payment to write blogs. You will get 90% of the profit, which is much more higher than other sites.

9. Blogster

Blogster offers free blogs as well as free image hosting.

10. Weebly.com

Weebly is one of TIME’s 50 Best Websites, which  has an easy, drag & drop interface to create your own website.

Compare them!

Online Blogging Platform Comparison Chart